Category Scholars


Cultura musicale bresciana (Brescia, May 2018)


Cultura Musicale Bresciana. Testimonianze e Reperti di una civiltà


Ateneo di Brescia · Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
h 17.00 – 4th May 2018
Salone delle Adunanze – Palazzo Tosio (via Tosio 12, Brescia – Italy)

annali-storia-bresciana-mazzetti-ticli-palma-choralis-2017A new unmissable book about Brescian music and culture is finally out: it was presented in Brescia on May 4, 2018.

Barezzani, Maria Teresa Rosa, and Mariella Sala, eds. Cultura musicale bresciana. Reperti e testimonianze di una civiltà. Annali di storia bresciana, 5 (2017). Brescia: Morcelliana, 2017.

We are very proud our directors Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli collaborated on the book editing...

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What can Luzzasco and Fiorino teach us? · USA 2016

UMass Amherst Palma Choralis 2016_3

What can Luzzasco and Fiorino teach us? Experiencing the madrigal then and now

Department of Music & Dance · UMass Amherst, MA (USA)

This recital/paper has been presented at the Italian Madrigal Festival · Scholarly Symposium & Concerts.

UMass Amherst Palma Choralis 2016_3We are proud to announce that during their 2016 stay in USA Palma Choralis directors Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli are participating in the Italian Madrigal Festival both presenting this recital/paper and giving some concerts.


Italian Madrigal Festival Amherst Palma Choralis 2016«In the late sixteenth century – before the practice of basso continuo spread across music prints – the Italian madrigal shows a flowering of styles and compositional techniques resulting from a range of contexts and commissioners.
In light of the well-documented case of the concerto delle ...

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Canons regular in post-Tridentine musical landscape


Canons regular in post-Tridentine musical landscape: Floriano Canale’s Sacrae cantiones of 1581

Department of Music · University Park, University of Nottingham (UK)
Palma Choralis® · Research Group
Marcello Mazzetti
Livio Ticli

We presented this paper at the Mapping the Post-Tridentine Motet – Conference.


Post-Tridentine-motet-Nottingham-2015-Palma-Choralis_The Canon Regular Floriano Canale (?1541–1st Oct. 1616 Brescia), more known for instrumental works such as Canzoni da sonare (1600), also published three motet-books for four (1581), five (1602) and six (1603) voices respectively, besides several collections that gather music for the Mass and the Office.
Our paper explores the possibility that, after long apprenticeships in Venice (where he was Willaert’s pupil perhaps between 1559-62), Genoa and Gubbio (...

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Reconsidering Floriano Canale’s works

Reconsidering Floriano Canale’s works and the role of Canons Regular in the late Renaissance

Department of Music · University of Birmingham (UK)
Palma Choralis® · Research Group
Marcello Mazzetti
Livio Ticli

We presented this paper at the Med-Ren 2014.


It has been 30 years since our late lamented Oscar Mischiati highlighted in his studies the importance of carrying on with research on music and musical context of Ss. Salvatore’s Canons Regular. Responding to his invitation, our paper aims to:

Sant'Agostino e Canonici Regolari1.1) Fill the still existing bio- and bibliographical gap (e.g...

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