Category Education




Brescia International Early Music Summer School & Festival



Enrolment for edition 2018 is now open!

You can finally enrol to BIEMSSF 2018: the unmissable summer school and travelling festival based in Brescia is back!

BIEMSSF, designed and directed by Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli,  is a unique opportunity for intensive training and performing in Italy: it offers 12 days of fantastic singing/playing classes, performance opportunities, along with concerts, social events and tours in some of the most beautiful cities and historic villages in Central and Northern Italy. We welcome students from all over the world to work with European leading early music ensembles, scholars specialised in HIPP and experts in Early Music Pedagogy and Improvisation.

Want to get a sense of the pro...

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Early Music Department Brescia – DipMusAnt Brescia 2017-18



Early Music Department Brescia

Marcello Mazzetti & Livio Ticli | Heads

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble  & Fondazione Diocesana “Santa Cecilia” Brescia

Next dates and projects of Early Music Department Brescia

Education 2017-18 (starting on Oct 27th)

• Master (1- and 2-year) Programmes in Early Music Performance Practice and Pedagogy
• Courses and Training for professionals
• Pre-bachelor Courses for young students
• Life-long Learning for Enthusiasts and Beginners (Choral Workshop and Renaissance Music Culture)
• Early Music Prep-Courses for singers and players (6-18 aged) – «Ex ore infantium» Project
• Individual/Ensemble Classes


• «La cartella del Cantore» – Workshops and Showcases for Primary and Secondary Schools

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NEWS – Dipartimento Musica Antica · Brescia a.a. 2017-18


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Dipartimento Musica Antica · Brescia

Marcello Mazzetti & Livio Ticli | Direttori

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble  & Fondazione Diocesana “S. Cecilia” Brescia

Siamo felici di aggiornarvi sulle date e i progetti del DipMusAnt · Brescia

Offerta Formativa a. a. 2017-18 (inizio venerdì 27 ottobre)

• Master (I e II livello) in Pedagogia e Prassi della Musica Antica
• Percorsi professionalizzanti e post-accademici
• Pre-Accademici e Corsi Curriculari in convenzione con il Conservatorio “Luca Marenzio” di Brescia
• Formazione Permanente per appassionati e neofiti (Laboratorio Corale e Cultura Musicale Rinascimentale)
• Propedeutica all...

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Protetto: Master-Class DipMusAnt Brescia (Apr 2017)

Masterclass Brescia Jan-2017 Palma Choralis

«Vaghe ninfe del Po, ninfe sorelle»

3^Masterclass Palma Choralis di Musica Rinascimentale e Barocca 

Musiche di Monteverdi

Marcello Mazzetti & Livio Ticli | Dipartimento Musica Antica · Brescia

22-25 Apr 2017, Fondazione “S. Cecilia” Brescia & Museo Diocesano di Brescia (ITA)

Tre giorni intensivi di attività che comprendono Musica d’insieme per Voci e Strumenti, Workshops e Seminari di approfondimento. A conclusione delle attività, gli studenti avranno la possibilità di esibirsi in location uniche e con strumenti storici.
QUOTA D’ISCRIZIONE (Allievi esterni): 150€ comprensivi di lezioni, workshops e seminari, fonti in facsimile e materiali didattici, accesso alle strutture e concerto finale. Borse di studio limitate – su richiesta (*).

La tematica affrontata sarà quella ...

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Master-Class DipMusAnt Brescia (Jan 2017)

Masterclass Brescia Jan-2017 Palma Choralis

Masterclass Brescia Jan-2017 Palma Choralis

Tribus Miraculis. Master Class in Renaissance & Baroque Music

Vespers for Epiphany in the Early Baroque Era

Music by Palestrina, Marenzio and Monteverdi

Marcello Mazzetti & Livio Ticli | Early Music Department · Brescia

05-07 Jan 2017, Fondazione “S. Cecilia” Brescia & Museo Diocesano di Brescia (ITA)

Three-day activities including Ensemble Music for Voices and Instruments, Workshops and Seminars on specific topics. At the end of the activities, students will have the opportunity to perform in unique locations and with historical instruments.
Early-bird REGISTRATION FEE (External Students): 150€ including tuition, workshops and seminars, facsimiles and didactic materials, access to facilities and final concert. Limited scholarships are available upon request (*).

The theme will be ab...

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Master-Class DipMusAnt Brescia (Oct 2016)



La Messa dei Defunti nel tardo ’500

Floriano Canale & Giovanni Matteo Asola

Three-day Master Class in Renaissance Polyphony with Marcello Mazzetti & Livio Ticli

1a Masterclass intensiva di Polifonia Rinascimentale

Early Music Department in Brescia · Dipartimento di Musica Antica di Brescia

30 Oct- 1 Nov 2016, Fondazione “S. Cecilia” Brescia | Museo Diocesano di Brescia (ITA)

Contents: What modern singers and players should know to perform a Renaissance Requiem Mass?

Basics of Tridentine Liturgy, Music Lineups for a Requiem Mass, Plainchant and Mensural Notation in the Renaissance

Workshop organised by
Early Music Department Brescia · Fondazione Diocesana “S. Cecilia”

in cooperation with
Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble
Scuola Diocesana di Musica Sacra “San...

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Open Day DipMusAnt · Brescia 2016

DipMusAnt Brescia - Home Palma Choralis_800x377

Open Day Dipartimento di Musica Antica – Brescia

2016-10-14 – h. 15.00-18.00 | 18.15-20.00
Fondazione Diocesana di Musica “Santa Cecilia”(Via Bollani 20, Brescia (BS), Italy)

DipMusAnt Brescia - Home Palma Choralis_800x377

Il Dipartimento di Musica Antica a Brescia inaugura le propria attività con l’OPEN DAY gratuito di Venerdì 14 Ottobre 2016 dalle 15:00 alle 20:00. 

DipMusAnt_Poster1Partecipa gratuitamente per un assaggio dei Corsi ad indirizzo professionalizzante e di Specializzazione (MasterPro) così come dei percorsi di Formazione Permanente per cultori ed appassionati (PermaForm): vieni a conoscere i docenti, a chiedere informazioni o anche solo per curiosità!

Il Dipartimento di Musica Antica della Scuola Diocesana “S...

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Conferenza Stampa – DipMusAnt Brescia 2016


Dipartimento Musica Antica Brescia: Conferenza Stampa

Brescia (Italy)
(Polo Culturale Diocesano, via Bollani, 20 Brescia, Italy)

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble

Pubblichiamo qui sotto, l’articolo del quotidiano Bresciaoggi (20 Settembre 2016) riportante le informazioni tratte della conferenza stampa generale sull’offerta formativa della Fondazione “S. Cecilia” di Brescia,  fra cui spiccano anche le attività del Dipartimento di Musica Antica. 




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Open Day 2016-2017 Barghe – Brescia (Ex ore infantium)

Ex ore infantium Barghe 2015-2016 Palma Choralis_thumb

«Ex ore infantium» Progetto di Musica Rinascimentale per ragazzi!

Scoprire la Musica attraverso la Pedagogia Antica – Child-friendly

Barghe (Brescia, Italy)
October 2016 · May 2017 (Biblioteca Comunale di Barghe, via Giarelli, Barghe – BS, Italy)

Contents: Mano Guidoniana e Solmisazione Rinascimentale · Elementi di Canto Figurato · Ritmo, Melos e Memoria · Musica Instrumentalis e Performance.

Palma Choralis® · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble
Dott. Marcello Mazzetti & Dott. Livio Ticli


OPEN DAY 18/09 2016 h. 10-17.00 – Barghe

***in caso di maltempo presso il Teatro dell’Oratorio di Barghe (BS)***

Inaugurazione delle attività musicali dedicate a bambini/e e ragazzi/e dai 7 ai 14 anni interessati, curiosi e appassionati di musica come mezzo per stare insieme!

Evento ...

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DipMusAnt – Brescia Early Music Department

Palma Choralis - Diocesana - DipMusAnt Brescia_1100x450

Early Music Department – Brescia (Italy)


The new Early Music Department (DipMusAnt) has been founded in Brescia, in cooperation with “S. Cecilia” Diocesan Foundation, Palma Choralis · Research Group & Early Music Ensemble and Diocesan Museum of Brescia.

The coordinators of the Diocesan School of Music “S. Cecilia” · DipMusAnt are Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli, musicologists and musicians with a solid professional background as performers, academics, managers and artistic directors of international festivals.

Palma Choralis - Diocesana - DipMusAnt Brescia_1100x450The department’s network includes several international partners such as conservatoires, universities, museums, festivals, music chapels, etc.

Indeed, students and participants can benefit from several professional environments, and take the opportun...

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