Cultura Musicale Bresciana. Testimonianze e Reperti di una civiltà
Ateneo di Brescia · Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
h 17.00 – 4th May 2018
Salone delle Adunanze – Palazzo Tosio (via Tosio 12, Brescia – Italy)
A new unmissable book about Brescian music and culture is finally out: it was presented in Brescia on May 4, 2018.
Barezzani, Maria Teresa Rosa, and Mariella Sala, eds. Cultura musicale bresciana. Reperti e testimonianze di una civiltà. Annali di storia bresciana, 5 (2017). Brescia: Morcelliana, 2017.
We are very proud our directors Marcello Mazzetti and Livio Ticli collaborated on the book editing. Further, they wrote an interesting chapter, focussing on performance practice of sacred music in Brescia and the relationship between teaching precepts, system of knowledges and music skills of singers, composers and ‘contrapuntisti’ (aka improvisers) in the Renaissance and Early Baroque.
It comes with modern editions of neglected music from Brescia and formulas for improvising over plainchant from 17th-cent. treatises.
The book and the presentation are related to the Conference and Concert “Cultura musicale bresciana” (Brescia, November 2016).
This is the chapter which is possible to freely download below.
Mazzetti, Marcello, and Livio Ticli. “«Quando de quintis terzisque calabat in unam octavam». Per una storia della prassi esecutiva della musica sacra a Brescia nel tardo Cinquecento.” In Cultura musicale bresciana. Reperti e testimonianze di una civiltà, edited by Maria Teresa Rosa Barezzani and Mariella Sala. Annali di storia bresciana, 5 (2017). Brescia: Morcelliana, 2017.
PalmaCHoralis.org – Updates on Brescia
«Quando de quintis terzisque calabat in unam octavam» – Chapter by Mazzetti and Ticli from Annali di storia bresciana
The online version of the whole book is free and downloadable in PDF here: