G. M. Asola – Cibavit eos (Introit)


Live recording
Introit Antiphon for Corpus Christi – plainchant
Psalm and Doxology – 4 voices polyphony over plainchant by Gio. Matteo Asola, Augsburg Staats-, Stadtbibliothek, ms. Tonk. Schlet. 26, cc. 114-120.

Concert in St. Annunziata Oratory · Rubiera (RE), Italy – 2008-06-27

Palma Choralis · Early Music Ensemble

Marcello Mazzetti, Livio Ticli, Francesco Pezzi Gregorian chant

M. Chiara Di Gregorio Cantus
Livio Ticli Altus
Marcello Mazzetti Tenor and direction
Francesco Pezzi Bassus (plainchant)


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