Performance Practices and Architectural Spaces of the Italian Madrigal
International Conference
2024/12/13–15 Virtual Conference
Organized by
Palma Choralis® Research Group
Istituto Italiano di Musica Antica
Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini, Lucca
Italian Institute for Applied Musicology
Keynote Speakers
Stefano Lorenzetti (Conservatorio di Musica ‘A. Pedrollo’, Vicenza)
Jessie Ann Owens (University of California, Davis)
Richard Wistreich (Royal College of Music, London)
The international conference “Performance Practices and Architectural Spaces of the Italian Madrigal” will be held virtually from 13 to 15 December 2024. For the occasion, about thirty speakers from the best universities and conservatories in the world will gather to present the results of research in the field of performance practice, to enrich our understanding of how and where Italian madrigals were performed. To this end, the conference will address issues ranging from improvisation and ornamentation to the training of performers. Further, the conference will explore the variety of private or public spaces where madrigals were performed, such as ridotti, loggias, and gardens, shedding light on the mutual relationship between architecture, acoustics, and music making. Thus, scholars will also offer an interdisciplinary outlook that combines architectural studies with musicological scholarship.
The symposium is open to everyone, musicologists, performers, and aims to reassess the practices of Italian Madrigal in the right contexts as a bridge between historical research and performance practice, applying this discussion to today’s challenges of music education and reshaping modern pedagogical reflection. It will represent the convergence between musicological studies and practical music and is particularly aimed at students of Music Conservatories and High Schools, as well as teachers since participation is valid for staff updating.
Programme Committee
· Roberto Illiano (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
· Marcello Mazzetti (University of Huddersfield UK, Istituto Italiano di Musica Antica, Palma Choralis)
· Fulvia Morabito (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
· Emiliano Ricciardi (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
· Elisa Sala (University of Brescia – DICATAM)
· Massimiliano Sala (Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini)
· Livio Ticli (University of Huddersfield UK, Istituto Italiano di Musica Antica, Palma Choralis)
The official languages of the conference are English, French, Italian and Spanish.
More information is published in the Conference programme.
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